This week I glaze the four projects that I threw last week.  Those four are the ones below.  Then, on friday I threw a huge plate, a medium sized plate, and a bowl. Then I put bags over them so that they would not dry out over break.  Here are the four project that I glazed this week:
This week I have been all my projects have been bisked and I did alot of glazing.  However I did manage to throw four more projects, which consists of  a very tall vase (tall project), a smaller/medium sized vase, a large bowl, and yet another medium sized bowl. one thing I forgot to mention last week is that I threw a really noce plate that is very centered and very thin.  Here are pictures:
This Week I have been throwing lots of bowls in order to complete the first project.  Only I threw 6 smalls bowls on the first day I was allowed to throw this semester. Here are pictures:

Last semester I threw and attatched together a pedistle but did not get a chance to bisk it and glaze it.  I did put it in the first bisk and in the following picture you can see the how huge it is compared to most project.  Here it is: 


    I dislike blogs.  I think they are for pathetic people who have to tell the world what they are doing.  Apparently this makes them special.  This one is strictly for ceramics. 


    May 2012
    February 2012



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